


The Louis de Wet Foundation believes that its obligation to succeeding generations is not only to preserve the remarkable building that is Wenlock Abbey, but to lay the foundation for its future as an inclusive centre of regeneration and creative endeavour. 

For this reason, the huge challenge that has presented itself to the Foundation – that of replacing its 250-year-old roof – is not only terrifying, but also exciting. It presents an almost unique opportunity to bring together craftsmen, artists and historians, and, above all, their students and apprentices in a collaborative venture to uncover lost techniques, and create new solutions for the future.

Thanks to generous help from Historic England, we have carried out initial investigations which revealed that we will need to raise between one and a half and two million pounds to restore the roof whilst also making this an educational project. 

We cannot do this alone. We need friends and donors who will become a crucial part of our enterprise, uniting to form a team with technicians and artists under the umbrella of the Louis de Wet Foundation. Together we can achieve a roof whose sturdy beauty honours the past whilst providing shelter and learning for the future.

If you feel you can help with a donation, we would be most grateful. We would welcome you being part of our team!

The Louis De Wet Foundation, Charity number 1192387